23 Feb Some Call it Error
Posted at 16:26h
in Poems
All was still save for a wind in a swell
At the whisper of dawn comes a chiming bell
Under the trial pageantry clapped a word like thunder
I was sentenced to d e a t h and then pulled under
No last rites given as the priest gave the order
The weight of the world came down on my shoulder
A world that has gone so very, very wrong
Some call it love, and some call it error
Anticipating both feels like terror
My body shudders but it won’t shudder long
My legs give out when I’m trying to march
My heart drops once I pass the city arch
And I see the hill with its unholy stare
I know the door to Hell is at the end of this
But the devil already knows I’m not his
He won’t know what to say when I get there
But it’s not easy at the end of the line
Eyes to heaven looking for some sign
A chariot of fire to bear this all away
And when it happens I feel mistaken
If this is what it is to be godforsaken
Then I might be ready to die today
All was still save for a wind in a swell
Like love, like wilds, like a roaming spell
Forgive them, Father, they know not what they do
They raise the cross and I give it up
Some call it error, but I call it love
It was no error for Me ever loving you