11 Apr The Iscariot
Posted at 15:47h
in Poems
Lord of all humanly reason, the Iscariot:
How illogical for Jesus to Abraham precede –
Irrational for Jesus to take up cross and carry it –
Theft from theft, coin from coin, the practical creed!
He dipped the Host and ate, the devilish lariat,
Then he condemned himself to the final nihilist deed,
Came not angelic pallbearer nor fire-plumed chariot,
Smoldering still, his flax; shaking and bruised, his reed.
Twelve were inspected for the triple vicariate –
Kings, priests, prophets with a flock to feed –
Twelve were approved, but he was the variant,
The tare among wheat, he the scattering-seed.
Once the blood enters his soil, none may bury it,
His motive, like Cain, must be everything but greed.