A Homily on Saint Christopher or, Contra Malum et Odium

Illness kills the one and physicians kill the three, another goes insane and one lost below the knee,
Like a lie of omission, or a lie so boldly told will many walk in lies before they get raptured in the cold.
A man can learn piano and when to hit the checkered keys but not to stop the flow of time heading into seas,
There is a point too late to make change for the good: and you could not change your would to match your only should.

Violence has its place, war was made divine and the setting of the sun casts a shadow every time.
Character stocks and tropes and stereotypes to choose, all attached to dynamite and a tiny fuse.
A man can lose his leg and lose his mind the same, lose it all in rainy days or lose it on a game,
A man can learn to live with so ancient a disease or wash away with time as it rushes toward the seas.

Light bends around the trees to kill the dark of forest floors, a wicked thing I hear creeping at all of my doors.
Not even a fraction of how others see, not even the smallest bit, will you know all the evil made by the sins you commit.

But, may it also be said of good works,
By human hands.