
Shattered in face, in hand, in sword,
And golden bowl and silver cord,
I’m afraid this is how we all end.
My eyes are fixed on what ever-lasts,
But I should’ve studied in grammar class
To know the commitment of one AMEN.

I needed faith but I wanted rules
To hew my stones with my own tools, to
Have nothing common with what’s common.
But the stain of a shameful memory
Cannot be saved by any remedy
It’s sealed forever: the people say AMEN.

I, the sparrow, perched on the roof,
I needed God — but I wanted proof
In moving mountains, in budding almond.
But the only time I felt not alone, was
When I touched the ancestral throne
And through me, a Spirit croaked AMEN.

From the tops of trees and river floor
Here I Am, I whisper forevermore
To keep a promise to true a friend.
Because this is the face of fidelity,
It’s not always-mindful ecstasy,
It’s a pained, resigned and ruined AMEN.