05 Feb Venice
Tiring living, and more living to do;
Tired from giving, where o God are You? Hear me:
My hollow heart has ashed into gold
Dusting apart in turning cold, and wear’ly
I prayed Fiat voluntas Domini.
I’m watching Venice slowly sink
If I could, I would drink the whole sea
But the waves wash upon the brink
Taking another million souls
Another billion souls I must save
You wrote from Venice in red ink
I knew red letters it meant I failed (again)
After You left I had some time to think
To stumble into another billion holes
Another billion holes could be my grave
When in Venice, never blink
Roses flash pink, wither, fall away
I could beg and plead to see a link
Until I filled another thousand bowls
Another thousand bowls of prayers I gave
And like pennies on pavement they …
He has given me a gift so wonderful
He could not give me words to describe Him
Where are You? Where are You?
The mothers cried out and I could not,
And even Jesus wept. Where are You?
I turned to look,
And when I came to Venice
You must have left me somewhere,
Along the way.
O God, why could You not stay?