The Second Bell-Jar

She tried to hide her sickening patterns and paint herself out of her own designs,
Those evils she loves — goods she hates, scarce the light in her taciturn caverns,
Her bone-upholstered strip-mines, for she thought mortal sight desecrates
Falling down by herself to the nave of the vacuum-well.

He mistrusted God with prayer-commands and crows gathered him with patient hunger
Part by part for burial-butchery-feast: unwilling to send strength to his hands,
Unable to love himself when younger or sip the bitters and smell the yeast
Falling down by himself to the nave of the vacuum-well.

Side by side under labels seen not, up and down the ladder of green-rot
Spewing from their mouths regrets to their letters brute silhouettes
Fallen down in the fettle of a crucible angel-hell.