29 Aug Graffiti Where I Dwell
Posted at 15:29h
in Poems
Home hummed on even without me there
And so home thereby it ceased to ever be
For home must halt motion and each affair
When one for whom it’s home is absentee.
March of martyrs where treasure-seas congeal
Swimming saintly river blind to worldly rains
Melting hearts forged in evil-struck steel:
My greatest loss was learning no home remains.
My heart dropped at what wicked I found
Exiled, robbed of connatives owed at birth:
Unless stopped, still I’m homeward-bound
Elsewhere beyond cosmic constraints of earth
Where as effect my cause I cannot exhaust
Nor tolled for my time by each starlit sign.
Few gods ever wandered, fewer were lost:
This is how a man knows he is not divine.