15 Feb That Everything Becomes Past-Tense
When GOD spoke amid His creatures His Name, I AM
It sufficed enough to begin the first and only war,
An uprise without chance for the triumphant glore,
Tasked with defeat like a thicket laid upon ram.
Nature is not primitive but a guide to the end:
One destination, one source for every grace,
Heaping up waters to ferry many a friend
Whence FATHER, thence SON, in the first place;
Thence FATHER, whence SON, for the last things
Hence the hush in heaven when no angel sings
For the LORD raises song for half of an hour
Pronouncing judgment all with shattering power.
The HELPER speaks inaudibly in tongue long forgot
Whispering SPIRIT on conscience engraved,
And our ages piled high on the cindering blue dot
Cry out without echo the One Name, YAH SAVED.
The works of the hands by mortals, endlong-laid —
Yea, this terrible thing I tremble to write shall pass —
Each hin of the flesh the ALMIGHTY inspects at last,
Every vow to the LORD then counted and weighed.