15 Jan Kai ‘o Logos Sarx Egeneto
Wherein solar and lunar wisdom He taught to count the day,
He knits together angels and Jacob and Jacob and the nations
To soon rejoice with the avenger as now we writ lamentations,
Forgiving thus as thus forgiven and alive in truth to the Way
Admits the once-wicked twice-righteous to long tribulations
Here and now and there and then our Savior slain He lay
Wherefore eat Pascha matzo and gifts to Church in leaven:
I AM, and ye shall see the Son of man
Sitting on the right hand of power
And coming in the clouds of heaven;
Heretofore empty bells clang mysteries in clappers seven
Pouring richly untold gifts from that once-eternal labor
Like nails affixing Body and spear emitting Blood to time
Frothing ever and forever the youngest and oldest crime,
Our rebellion complete but yet to meet the Father’s anger
Whose Spirit rains as unsealed fire as token torch sublime
As we wait on the Lord Supreme in midst of bridal chamber.