26 Mar Parousia
Posted at 00:40h
in Poems
When Jesus lands with strident power,
Cometh now the Undoing Hour.
Where the rows of stones roll as waves,
So many tears have stained those graves,
What joy will heave! they cry, “Jesus saves!”
When each coffin lid splinters apart at last.
Where the solemn bell of churches ring,
So the faithful pray, that old suffering,
What might befalls! they cry, “Christ is King!”
When trumpet blows end the final fast.
But where wicked triumphs with scoffing tone,
So sorrowed our God to hear his people groan,
What justice waits! the reaper for the sewn,
When the stallion white nears and has passed.
When Jesus calls, the righteous rejoice
And those who wage for evil cower,
Cometh now the Undoing Hour.