17 Mar The Call of Elisha
Posted at 17:16h
in Poems
Domine, Domine, Non Nisi Te – Discalceamenta Ambulate
You prove your loaf, you leaven-child,
Yet you smile soundless as the hours pass,
You can find God in even the trefoil grass —
My friend Elisha, I see you, plowing in the field,
It appeals to that gentle whistle in the holy air,
As oxen follow you, would you follow me, everywhere —
The land teems with prophet-princes, awned kings,
But the things that live in an honest work day
God loves the most and to these He shares stay —
W[is][do]m — what you overhear between two peasants.
L[if]e — you chance to enter God’s saline presence.
So raise your head, lift your eyes and gird your loins,
Two anointed float on ember arcs by the whisky lakes,
Darker than what falls on pieces the covenant takes.
My friend, unshod your feet when you walk with me;
Every place under the sun a holy ground shall be.