29 Nov Victory of the Shepherd
Posted at 19:16h
in Poems
Shepherd High, Shepherd High, to death You defy, rose again up against the awakened sword!
All knees will bend and their scoffing will end – come to us now, Companion of our Lord!
Hark, o sorrowed lands to the work of holy hands, a Champion deemed for Jew and Gentile both;
Shared between us men and ineffable heaven, Son of Man, Son of God and Son of the Oath!
With archangel’s voice He issued the choice: the Way to the Life, or the way taken by most;
Overhead in the cold were the red fangs of old – many-headed dragon whose mouths move in boast;
In the dark of abyss comes a shudder and hiss, Shepherd takes what was lost with the firm iron rod;
Etched on the bell of all the horses of Hell, He plundered with the might of the armies of God!
Behold to the east comes the wind evil will feast, on the day with a dusk that dawn never brings;
Keep silent, have fear, for our God will be here – Father of All made His Son the Judge of all things!