Providence, It Indeed Exists

Providence, it indeed exists

And it is everywhere, too
Providence has me convinced
I was always meant to find you
Will you grace my lips
With long-destined kisses
Traveling through eternities
Two sparks crackle in the dark
Embers of lovesick wishes
The two of us can act out St. John’s Gospel;
We the branches, and Christ the vine,
Through Him our fruits come to intertwine
Though once apart, it was the Father’s will
For us to be cut and be grafted together still
Providence, no accidents
Are ever at play between us two
Providence is apparent since
No other explanation for us will do
How blessed are we
That through all eternity
We would harmonize our lives
A string of wayward notes could meet
And form a single intended melody
The two of us can act out School of Athens;
I, Plato, since the world of forms unfurled
And then your form became my world
You, Aristotle, because your teleology
Always entailed you ending up with me
You are lightning in a jar
And you know who you are
How you are crafted puzzles me
How the LORD so intricately
Stitched you together from gold
You are an artifact, an angel’s hair, 
A grace, a treasure found in prayer,
A wisp of cloud fallen to the ground,
The love I need, the love I found,
A myth, a maiden, a marvel to behold
Like Jason, I would never cease
To look for you, my Golden Fleece
Some way
You are lightning in a jar
And you know who you are
On my heart the LORD wrote your name
Shimmered rays of sunlight’s flame
A whisper, the best thing ever told